Interpretable Machine Learning (A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable Christoph Molnar (book) link
- sparse networks with relatively small amount of neurons
- biology
- Ordinary Neural Circuits
- RL-based architecture learning algorithm
- article link
- CNNs: visualbackprop: efficient visualization link
Causal Learning
- Elements of Causal Inference Jonas Peters (book) link
- Causal modeling (article) link
Causal inference in Statistics (article) link
- graphical models
- applying Bayesian methods link
- to decompose the learning problem into a set of Bayesian inference sub-problems
- effective in time-series setting link
- Deep Kalman filters article
- do not seek to learn the true underlying causal graph structure but rather seek to use do-calculus to observe the effect of interventions under a causal interpretation
- continuous-time Bayesian networks link
- learn ODEs
- under certain conditions imply a structured causal model link
- Liquid Time-constant Neural Networks
- CausalVAE